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Attention Successful Business Women
Juggling Career and Family!

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This message is for all the successful businesswomen juggling a career,
family and a busy life who really want to be more feminine for bedroom confidence, deeper connection, and more toe-curling ecstasy, but don’t have time or just have no idea what to do or where to start…

(or what to do to have it all.)??

I'm Ready to Sign Up!!


From The Desk of: Dr. Lori C. Ebert
Re: Relationships and Toe-Curling Ecstasy

Hi, I’m Dr. Lori C. Ebert and I am a Relationship and Sexual Wellness Coach, Health Educator, author and speaker who has educated thousands of women and men about health, relationships, sexual wellness and all the secrets they needed for deeper connection and more toe-curling ecstasy. I have helped them overcome everything from childhood wounds, sexual traumas, affairs, dysfunctional relationships, become more feminine and masculine, learn to communicate better, create conscious relationships and sexuality, resolve sexual fears and inhibitions, parent better and even create soul satisfying careers and of course, more and better toe-curling sex!

I’m here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about femininity, relationships and sex.

In fact, here’s the biggest problem you face right now.

It’s the childhood programming, wounds and neural blind spots you aren’t aware you have, or know, but don’t know how to overcome.

But that’s not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse! Why?

It’s a huge deal because these are busy, successful career women, mothers and friends who don’t have the deep connection, bedroom confidence, playful passion or toe-curling ecstasy they want behind their bedroom doors!

Which means it really HURTS because no matter how successful they are in the rest of their life, it means they are failing in the bedroom and relationships. This is very shameful to women so they pretend, hiding this dirty little secret and stay unfulfilled.

And, worst of all, most successful, businesswomen and mothers (whether single or married) just can’t get past the idea that the solution is changing men. I hear all the time – “If he would just do or be like this…” or “There just aren’t any good men out there” and even worse “I just need to leave the relationship and find a new man.” What’s sadder is some women swear off men altogether and just suffer in a passionless, sexless relationship or life.


But Luckily for You There’s Now
A Solution to Your Problems!!


But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you…

There I was, a successful corporate VP making a six-figure income and traveling the country. It was a dream life on the outside but truthfully, on the inside I was an unhealthy, single, lonely workaholic career woman who trying to do and have it all. At the time, I was acting like a strong, independent successful woman, but inside I was exhausted, resigned about love and sex and so shut down emotionally I was losing my dream of a happy relationship, family and a meaningful career that made a bigger difference in the world.

The thing is, at the time I was a road warrior traveling 3 or 4 weeks a month, a total workaholic, married to my corporate job and technology, and too exhausted and resigned to find love, more or less to put any energy into making a relationship or sex work.

The big problem was my health was taking a beating from the stress and exhaustion, inside and out, to the point I got too fat to fit in the airplane seats. This eventually motivated me to lose weight, which I assumed would solve all my problems. But even when I lost weight and started to date, it turned out I wasn’t feminine enough to even attract or keep a man. I would meet men, go on one date but rarely a second, and most just wanted to have hook-up sex, not a relationship. When I was able to make it past all that and get involved, it didn’t go far. Once, I had been dating this man for a few months and just two days before our flight for a week getaway, he dumped me on text without a reason. I went anyway and cried the entire airplane ride and spent the week alone on the beach heart broken, feeling like a failure, hopeless it would never change and helpless to even know how. I just kept pretending I had it all together. Thanks to social media, a while later I discovered he was dating this adorable, feminine, flirty, playful woman, the one he eventually married.

This was devastating because all along I thought being fat was why I didn’t have a loving relationship and family. I was at my thinnest when we were dating, happier and healthier than ever before, or so I thought, and still it wasn’t good enough. What this meant was, that even if I was skinny, something about me or my VP corporate life was making my ability to be a feminine, playful and vulnerable woman impossible. I knew, in order to have that masculine man, deeper connection, a passionate relationship and more of the toe-curling sex I desired, I would have to be more feminine. I just didn’t have the time and truthfully, I didn’t know how or even where to start, but I knew it wasn’t happening the way I was living. Hitting this painful wall was a turning point in my life, because I had to choose what was more important – my health and loving relationships or work and money. It meant I had to start taking time for myself, actually invest in me instead of everyone else, and heal my heart so I could create a deep meaningful relationship, have great sex and live a passionate life. I had to learn to become a feminine woman or I would be lonely forever.

I started buried myself in books, podcasts and courses to dig into myself as a woman and what I really wanted out of my life. I began to feel happier, more carefree and clearer on who I was and what I wanted. I started taking a little more time for myself and even gave up my business look for more curls, ruffles and feminine flair. Despite all that, I still didn’t know how to make my dreams happen, but I was dating again so I thought everything was on track.


Then, as if by chance,
something amazing happened…

Eventually, a boyfriend, who I thought was The One, broke up with me saying he didn’t want to date a man, be talked to like an employee or date a woman who wasn’t feminine.  He said he wanted an open-hearted, carefree and playful woman.  I was heartbroken, because not only did I think I was all that, I knew he was The One for me too. I was devastated and deeply hurt I lost love again, especially since he checked off all the dream-man boxes.  I was skinnier, healthier and happier so it didn’t make any sense.  The only thing I hadn’t changed was my high pressure, demanding, corporate leadership role and traveling, which was about to increase to full time.

That’s when I knew; I had to do whatever it would take to unleash my femininity if I wanted to have the love and life I really wanted!

Instantly it became crystal clear to me how I had to live healthy in EVERY area of my life so I could have meaningful relationships, toe-curling sex and the passionate life I desired.  It also meant I was going to have to take the leap to live my dreams inside of what seemed like the impossible.  I knew if I didn’t, my soul would never be happy in my rate race career, or lonely life and I didn’t want to be alone and without love forever.

My plan was to start building my sexual wellness business on the side, save enough money to leave my job, start coaching and teaching full time and meet that ideal man to marry, build a business and have the family I desired so much. The problem was I kept teaching about femininity, relationships and sexual wellness, but I didn’t have it in my own life and I felt like a failure, total fraud and secretly hopeless.  Deep down I knew what I had to do but it was daunting and I didn’t have the time or energy.  I

The issue was I had to LIVE sexual wellness myself in order to have what I wanted and discovering this how-to-secret meant I could unleash my femininity and sexuality.

So I started getting even more physically healthy one habit at a time – clean eating, yoga, meditating and working less.  Emotionally I started deleting men out of my phone and life, and I even sold my house to downsize and simplify life. But I didn’t stop there.

After that, I started doing the deep emotional work to heal my sexual wounds and femininity to create healthy, happy and meaningful love, relationships and sex.  This was a profound shift and healed me deeply, allowing me to work with others to heal themselves for the life and love they wanted.  But I knew I couldn’t stop there.

I finally took the leap out of my corporate career, and started living the passionate, dream life I had always imagined.  I no longer started my mornings in cabs and airplanes, instead I woke up when I wanted, meditated, enjoyed nature, did yoga and enjoyed my life.  My coaching business took off, I started a radio/podcast and even did a TEDx talk about How Orgasms Cause World Peace.  I also began dating and having a relationship.

Bottom line: In the end, I was enjoying deeper connections, playful passion, more bedroom confidence and meaningful toe-curling sex.  I started having healthier relationships and more fun with men, family, friends and myself, and all time in the world to enjoy it.  Physically I was healthier than I had been in years, I felt mentally empowered and clear, I became a social butterfly, and allowed myself to be emotionally and sexually vulnerable. My life was thriving and spiritually my soul was fulfilled.

Building on that success, I decided to create a step-by-step program that would make it really easy for busy women to discover their own femininity, sexuality and passions by empowering them to embrace and unleash their erotic powers and passions.

I call it “Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion”.

With Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion I can now teach women how to be more feminine, vulnerable, and heal their own wounds (bypassing therapy) to discover, embrace and unleash their sexuality to have healthy, deep loving connections, relationships, become more orgasmic and have more toe-curling sex and ecstasy!

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So, here’s what I’ve got for you today…

If you’re a successful, business women or mom, single or married, who really wants to be more feminine, experience deeper connections and playful passion, have more bedroom confidence for all that toe-curling ecstasy, but doesn’t know how, here’s the solution you’ve been looking for…


“Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion Workshop”

“Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion Workshop” Helps You:

  • Unleash toe-curling ecstasy for more connection, passion and orgasmic bliss in relationships, sex and life…
  • Have freedom from your ego, wounding, traumas, neural blind spots, programming, and patterning that blocks your true femininity…
  • Deeper connection to yourself and others, and more passion in relationships…
  • Better communication for better connection…
  • Start creating the soulful and purposeful life of your dreams…

… and much, MUCH more!

And best of all… you’ll start seeing results with “Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion Workshop” in a single session and even more so within 1 month, and the best part it costs less than 1 or 2 sessions of therapy and for sure a divorce.

So again, if you’re my ideal customer is a successful, busy woman who wants to be more feminine and have more toe-curling ecstasy in your life, understand this:

  • Act now before your sex life completely dries up and you’re really alone…
  • Know, if you aren’t having toe-curling sex with him, someone else might be…
  • Because this is easier and faster than therapy and toe-curling ecstasy is priceless…


Get Onboard With Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion Workshop Now!

Here’s Exactly What You’re Going to Get With Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion Workshop

Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion
($5598 Value)

This 6-Week Interactive, LIVE, online workshop makes it a snap for you to learn from the comfort of your own home and time constraints and time to practice.  There will be six weekly, live, interactive classes with time for questions and answers, along with a follow up Q & A after the program. In the course, you will get the information, tools, tips, tricks you need to become more feminine, discover your erotic powers and passion, along with a community of women just like you, a private Facebook group to connect and ask questions, personal support from me during the program and in the group, where you’ll also get more education, live events, ideas and make new friends. All this will empower you to discover, embrace and unleash your femininity and erotic power and passion for more bedroom confidence, deeper connections, playfulness and toe-curling ecstasy with your lover (or even find a lover!)


Awaken Erotic Power & Passion Workbook
($48 Value)

This workbook will help you dig into your own self-reflection, journal and document your femininity journey and track your progress throughout the course. This enables you to go deeper during and outside of the course, have more self-discovery, clarity, and affirm and declare your desires in relationships, sex and life. You’ll have a journal of how you created a deeper connection to yourself, others, see how much confidence you’ve gained and the steps and plan you need to have more bedroom confidence, deeper connections, playful passion and toe-curling sex and ecstasy.


Awaken Erotic Power & Passion Handouts
($68 Value)

These handouts will compliment and enhance the learning modules each week, adding to the secrets, tips and tricks you need for long term retention and reference.  This allows you to revisit and reference learned concepts and techniques at any time making it easier to build new habits and continue practicing.  Which will help you embrace your femininity, improve your confidence, connections and passions.

Act NOW And Get These Incredible Bonuses…


Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion eBook
($48 Value)

This ebook makes it easy for successful busy women to discover their femininity through the stories and experiences of Dr. Lori’s clients and case studies, and how they overcame unhealthy relationships, insecurity in the bedroom, sexless relationships and passionless, lonely lives.  You will get ideas of how to discover, embrace femininity, how to be more confident in the bedroom, feel more comfortable communicating your needs and creating the passion between the sheets and in the life that you desire.  You will experience what it feels like to be an erotic, feminine woman, unleashing your own erotic sexual powers and passions, savor sensual pleasures and embodying it all for the toe-curling sex and ecstasy you desire.


Awaken Erotic Power & Passion Video Series
($198 Value)

This Awaken Erotic Power & Passion Video Series is a compilation of How-To videos specific to your femininity needs, with tips, tricks and secrets to awaken your erotic power and passion.  You will have forever access to this private collection so you can watch, learn and revisit as needed. They will empower you to learn and practice at your own pace to find the comfort, confidence and communication in the bedroom helping you embody your femininity, create deeper connections, playful passion and unleash toe-curling sex and ecstasy in your life.


Sextacular®YOU! Radio Series
($498 Value)

This series of audio Sextacular®YOU! Radio episodes, which cannot be found anywhere online, will be yours to listen to while driving, exercising or anywhere it’s convenient.  Lifelong access will allow you to revisit any time you want a refresher.  The episodes will give you a fun, playful way to learn new leading edge tips and secrets from other sexuality experts. They empower you to be even more feminine, confident in the bedroom and unleash your erotic power and passion for all the toe-curling sex and ecstasy you desire.


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If the “Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion Workshop” doesn’t help you unleash toe-curling ecstasy in relationships, sex by feeling more feminine… if it doesn’t give you some freedom from ego, wounding, traumas, programming, patterning or neural blind spots that block you… or if it fails to help you create a deeper connection with yourself and more passion in relationships… then we’ll refund your money, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your Relationship and Sexual Wellness Coaching results!

Here’s Everything You Get Today

Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion ($5598 Value)

Awaken Erotic Power & Passion Workbook ($48 Value)

Awaken Erotic Power & Passion Handouts ($68 Value)

BONUS #1: Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion eBook ($48 Value)

BONUS #2: Awaken Erotic Power & Passion Video Series ($198 Value)

BONUS #3: Sextacular®YOU! Radio Series ($498 Value)


Total Value: $6458
But today, you’re getting all of this…

FOR ONLY: $498

I'm Ready to Buy!


Here’s to unleashing your femininity and erotic power and passion with my Relationship and Sexual Wellness Coaching and workshop!Learn how to Make Love to Life with me!

Dr. Lori


PS – If you’re sick and tired of your ego, wounds, patterning and the neural blind spots you aren’t aware you have, or know, but don’t know how to overcome, then Awaken Your Erotic Power & Passion Workshop is the solution you’ve been looking for… let’s get started today!

20 Easy Ways to be a Sextacular Lover

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