Coaching for Women

Are you as playful, sexy and feminine as you want to be?
Discover your true desires, learn to communicate needs confidently,
create healthier relationships and deeper connections.
Unleash your passions, increase intimacy and unlock a more vibrant life, 
relationships and sex life… your journey starts here!

Common Issues for Women

  • Feeling exhausted, hopeless, stuck and unhappy in your life, career or relationships 
  • Problematic or toxic relationships, not having relationships
  • Unresolved fears, trauma and childhood wounds
  • Not feeling feminine, lack of libido, sexual trauma
  • Issues with emotional intimacy, boundaries, self-doubt, self esteem and body issues
  • Not able to voice needs or communicate needs effectively
  • Lack of purpose, clarity, creativity and living a life of joy

Why Women Coach

I help women rediscover and embrace their authentic self from the inside out. Women often give away their power to relationships, children, work, and their own victimhood.  This leaves them unhappy, exhausted, passionless and even hopeless. They will lose themselves in being busy moms, wives, business owners and caretakers – not knowing who they are. This depletes their energy, creative spark and sex drive. They lose touch with their own femininity and can get resentful, angry, depressed or even physically sick.  They can often fix everything in their life, but what they need for themselves.
Through coaching, women gain self-love, efficacy, confidence and balance. They learn to create internal safety, set healthy boundaries and communicate their needs, including sexual desires. Many heal from sexual traumas, learn to feel sexy in their own body and unleash their erotic potential. Ultimately, women step into their fullest feminine potential, realizing they’ve always had the power when it comes to love, relationships, sex and creativity!  Honestly, when they put their minds to it they can have everything they want!

Results Women Get

  • Enhanced self awareness to their own desires, healthy boundaries, relationship patterns and empowerment to make informed choices.
  • Increased confidence to express wants and needs, empowerment to assert themselves and prioritize their needs
  • Heal inner child wounds, traumatic experiences or sexual violations and abuse
  • Identify and rewire self-sabotaging habits, patterns and behaviors to create healthy relationship dynamics, identify red flags and cultivate more fulfilling partnerships
  • Create healthier, happier and more passionate relationships with partners, children, family and even friends
  • Strengthen ability to be vulnerable and emotionally intimate for deeper emotional and physical connections
  • Safely explore sexuality, resolve concerns, inhibitions and improve their sexual satisfaction and unlock pleasure
  • Unleash femininity, learn how to cultivate desire and recharge your own libido
  • Let go of fears increasing satisfaction, empowerment, fulfillment and clarity to live a life of passion and adventure
  • Learn mindfulness tools, meditation, yoga, and energy tools to live a mindful, peaceful life of joy

How I Coach Women

All coaching begins with inner child, family of origin and trauma work.  This is the root of our protective personality, i.e. EGO.  In the first 1-3 sessions wounded egos and traumas are identified, named and a road map of self and personality is created. This is what I call your ego template. Then major traumas or “potholes” on your map are healed which provides a sense of relief.  With a life long road map you are better able to navigate Self, relationships and life. You learn to pave smooth “roads” with healthy behaviors and bypass bumpy unhealthy ones. It’s the foundational work from which you develop a witness muscle, mindfulness tools, practices, and communication skills, etc. While you revisit the past, it’s minimal and the focus is on now and the future you desire.  Together we create a happier, healthier  version of you in future you love.  
The benefit of individual one-on-one coaching is having a program catered to what works for you.  With individuals this varies by client and their life circumstances.  Some have sessions weekly, bi weekly, or monthly.  Some use text message or video messaging as a major communication means between sessions, others not at all.  Some clients do a lot of appointments, then pause, some are same day every week. Regardless, you have a “coach in your pocket 24/7.”  You get support and help when life happens instead of waiting for your next appointment.  While not therapy or diagnostic, my coaching brings aspects, theories, skills and tools from all experts so you get a solutions catered just for you.
Clients describe me as a much needed “velvet-hammer.”  Even though it’s not always easy, they appreciate my non-judgmental, authentic and very direct approach because it’s rooted in love and compassion. I believe we are the co-creators of our reality with total control of ourselves and our experiences.  This includes being involved with others – spouses, partners, children, family, friends even when others don’t change. 
It only takes one person to be the change and when clients take on “I am the one.” and “It stops with me” they can positively impact any relationship.  When we change ourselves we can shift everything around us.  My job is to help you identify, heal and transform behaviors that are not serving you or allowing the life you desire. When you stop looking at others and own it all – everything shifts providing a healing empowerment you never forget. I’ll take you as far as you want to go which can include a high caliber of self mastery and self actualization.
Please note I am NOT a therapist.  As a Ph.D. Health Educator and Relationship & Sexual Wellness coach I specialize in behavior change and education. I have the freedom to use ALL types of research based tools, methods and practices as well as non traditional methods – intuition, channeling, astrology, Human Design, Matrix Re Imprinting, EFT, QHHT hypnotherapy, yoga, yoga Nidra, plant medicine and more to help you achieve results. 
If you are looking for diagnostic help or medication, please seek services from a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatric professional.

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Dr. Lori

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